Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Code Kata

Sometime back I had read about code kata from the blog of Dave, the well-known author of the book "The Pragmatic Programmer Book" & its series. He introduces a set of practice exercises needed to improve our coding skill in any language or even our thinking about a problem in a business domain. They stretch your thinking and coding abilities. Here is an excerpt from his blog.

What’s a Code Kata?

As a group, software developers don’t practice enough. Most of our learning takes place on the job, which means that most of our mistakes get made there as well. Other creative professions practice: artists carry a sketchpad, musicians play technical pieces, poets constantly rewrite works. In karate, where the aim is to learn to spar or fight, most of a student’s time is spent learning and refining basic moves. The more formal of these exercises are called kata.

To help developers get the same benefits from practicing, we’re putting together a series of code kata: simple, artificial exercises which let us experiment and learn without the pressure of a production environment. Our suggestions for doing the kata are:

  • find a place and time where you won’t be interrupted

  • focus on the essential elements of the kata

  • remember to look for feedback for every major decision

  • if it helps, keep a journal of your progress

  • have discussion groups with other developers, but try to have completed the kata first

There are no right or wrong answers in these kata: the benefit comes from the process, not from the result.

Follow the original blog at So far he has added around 21 code kata.

If you want to discuss kata, there’s a mailing list here, and a wiki here. However, remember that the point of the kata is not arriving at a correct answer. The point is the stuff you learn along the way.

This is not just reading, so spare some time to spend & reap benefits! Also share any of your personal Code Kata with others.

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