Thursday, January 05, 2006

Simpler GUI for Jad, The Java Decompiler

Jad is the fastest java decompiler, available open source.. However it doesn’t come with a GUI. It is a command line tool. There are also GUI tools which internally use jad, and then decorate the code and show it in a graphical window.

Instead of going for a GUI tool, it is easier to write a dos-batch file, which will decompile the java class file, and opens them on your favorite text editor, say notepad/textpad.

Here is the script

@echo off
jad -o -d%TEMP% %1
"C:\Program Files\TextPad 4\Textpad.exe" %TEMP%.\%~n1.jad

Now associate class files, to open with this bat file by default, using windows program association. So now double clicking a class file will open in textpad with source code.


Andrea said...

I've been looking for java decompiler program for many hours. And didn't found something satisfy me. But yours is the best. Bravo.. Thanks a lot

JJ said...

Thanks a lot for the tip, is very useful !

Pete McKinstry said...

Great tip. Thanks.

skoser said...

It works only if the class file is not in a directory containing any spaces!

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